Maximizing College Financial Aid

There are three distinct sources of money that people seek: need-based aid, merit scholarships and private scholarships. Families cannot identify ahead of time how much money they are entitled to or may receive at each school. Typically, the students apply and hope for the best. We are proactive in projecting the figures so that proper planning can be implemented, and financial expectations can be managed.

Need-Based Aid:

Many families can qualify for need-based aid from colleges. The key is to identify each family’s Student Aid Index (SAI) and model what this means at each school on a student’s list. We assist families to determine if they can possibly reduce their family’s contribution by calculating the SAI and projecting the need-based aid awards that should be expected.

Merit Scholarships:

Families will confuse merit scholarship programs with merit scholarship opportunities from colleges. The truth is that you don’t need to be a “merit scholar” in the traditional sense to qualify for possible merit dollars. Colleges will certainly consider grades and SAT/ACT scores, but also community service, leadership, clubs, sports and more. We are able to look at a school’s past awards and evaluate what possible scholarships might be available. Scholarships can change from year to year, but with our knowledge and experience we can assist with financial projections regarding the total amount of resources a family can expect to receive from colleges on their student’s list.